Building Big Brother

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Exclusive: Jeffrey Epstein's investment in an Israeli start-up reveals a myriad of links to Donald Trump and Israeli spies.


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6 thoughts on “Building Big Brother

  1. The article declares one of its findings: “Epstein is an Israeli spy”. But presents no evidence. Please elaborate? Your findings *suggest* he might be working for any of the Russians, the US, the Saudis, or the Israelis, so why the strong assertion of working for Israel? Thank you.

    1. The article say independently confirmed. We do not reveal sources but you can take that to mean as from a source in a position to know. That of course does not preclude him working for the others.

  2. This article simply makes a series of statements with zero supporting evidence. You say in a reply to a similar critical comment above that your statements about Epstein are “independantly confirmed” but refuse to provide further details. That is not how it works. As a result I will forget I read your article as it is simply unsupported speculation and second hand gossip dressed up to look like credible fact.

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